5G How to protect yourself

5G how to protect yourself

190724-interview-Sayer Ji-audio-rev

Sayer Ji (01:10:46):
Exactly Nocebo is the opposite of placebo, and it’s like saying, “I’m sorry. We did your reading, and you
have this cancer, and prognostically, statistically, you’re supposed to die in six weeks.” And most people
receiving that diagnosis and prognosis will likely die within six weeks, especially when they follow the
conventional standard of care: chemo, radiation, etcetera. But if it’s someone like Dr. Nicholas Gonzales,
who was practicing in New York, who would tell patients that “Actually, you have pancreatic cancer. I
know you’ve been through chemo and radiation, and I know they said you should be dead right now. No,
you can actually live and recover.” And he has cases, decades later, where these people are alive and
well, explaining what they did through nutritional supplementation and even just faith and belief that
they could heal. So it really does boil down to belief.

Sayer Ji (01:52:32):
So, one of the best ways to recontextualize the benefits of natural medicine is not so much that the
alternatives to, let’s say, traditional drugs. They’re suppressing symptoms better. Is that rather, they
work because in absence of certain foods in the diet, certain types of inflammation cause disease. So, it’s
not a lack of radiation and chemotherapy that cause cancer, but it is a lack of vegetables and fruits that
cause the body to break down and cause cancer. So, in other words, it’s not even a matter of comparing
pharmaceutical medicine to natural medicine. It’s rather understanding that it’s a deficiency of certain
types of biological information, which exist in certain foods in the ancestral diet, that causes disease.
And then it’s a deficiency based way of looking at it. Not that diseases exist. They are inevitable, they’re
caused by genetic factors, and natural medicine is safer and better. It’s actually a deeper way of looking
at it.

Sayer Ji (01:49:31):
So, basically, calcification of the soft tissue is part of why there’s an over-diagnosis epidemic in breast
cancer is that the x-rays are showing calcifications, which often are completely benign. It’s actually
known that there are two types of calcium deposits that generally are found. There’s calcium oxalate,
which is known to be relatively benign. And then there’s calcium hydroxylapatite, and that’s a form
that’s similar to bone meal that you might take as a supplement. So, there is some problem with
calcium. But generally speaking, most women, for example, that were diagnosed with ductal carcinoma
in situ or DCIS, they were told that that was cancer that could take their life unless they had the lump

removed or the breast removed and then followed up with chemo and radiation. They did this for

Sayer Ji (02:03:05):
But then, I was made aware that 5G is even worse in this respect to the fact that it penetrates
everyone’s body with radiation. You can be in your home and they’re going to set up one of these cells,
every few homes throughout every neighborhood in the entire country, with the type of radiation that is
so significantly harmful to biological systems that they’re going to have to cut down trees in some cases
just to allow it to function.

Anna Clement_rev

Anna Maria C. (03:13):
You know, a lot of women get thyroid problems. I estimate about 70% of women have thyroid problem.
It is huge danger, because the thyroid is your command center in your body. Of course your brain looks
after everything, but if you look at the thyroid as a computer where the information goes in and the
information is sent out to every cell organ in your body, fixing… seeing what’s wrong, what’s not
working, and that one is very sensitive to radiation. So now in these days, we’re all bombarded with

Anna Maria C. (04:02):
Then you have the smart meters on your house. You have the towers right outside your house. And 5G is
coming, and we’re really in big trouble when that happens, because there will be towers all over and you
won’t even know. You will not even have a say about that.

Anna Maria C. (04:28):
So there’s many forms of thyroid problem. Hyper thyroid, hypo thyroid, there is autoimmune, it’s called
Hashimoto or Graves’ disease. How they are fed, big time, is our stress, our radiation that we’re… that
we get into our body, but also the foods we’re eating.

Autoimmune Secret_Episode 2_DirectorsCut

Dr. Jay Davidson (43:04):
Oh, EMFs are a huge category. EMF, or really the technical term we’d say is EMR, electromagnetic
radiation, is more of the scientific research category. EMF is still a popular buzzword, but cell phones
around you, WiFi on, Bluetooth.

Dr. Jay Davidson (43:04):
Oh, EMFs are a huge category. EMF, or really the technical term we’d say is EMR, electromagnetic
radiation, is more of the scientific research category. EMF is still a popular buzzword, but cell phones
around you, WiFi on, Bluetooth.

Dr. Jay Davidson (43:24):
Literally, in my house about a year and a half ago, I had an EMF guy come in and analyze it, and in my
office alone, I had the WiFi router, which had two different WiFi signals, like 2.4 and five gigahertz or
something. He looked at it because I’m in a little 1,200 square foot place. You’ve been there. Pretty small
house. He’s like, “This is an industrial router for this tiny house.” I’m like, “Yes, but it’s fast, because I like

Dr. Jay Davidson (44:14):
He came in with the meters in my office. He has three different settings. He turned it all the way down,
and he’s like, “Dr. J, it still says off the chart. I can’t even get a number, it’s so high in here.” I started
thinking, “Is that why I get tired by four or five o’clock at the end of the day?” This electromagnetic
radiation that’s just constantly stressing me out.

Dr. Jay Davidson (45:04):
It was at that point I’m like, “You know what? EMFs, EMR, electromagnetic radiation is a big issue.” It’s a
big stressor for somebody trying to get pregnant, too. At minimum, shut your WiFi router off at night.
You can go get one of those Christmas light timers or a fish tank light timer where it turns it on every
morning at eight AM or shuts it off every night at 10 PM.

Dr. Jay Davidson (45:27):
I think that’s a first starting spot for you listening. Just go get a timer, shut it off at night, minimum, but
the long-term picture is let’s get rid of the wireless technology because anything transmits wirelessly is
creating electromagnetic radiation, which then is just another stressor. It’s another thing to fill our
buckets up to more likely to tip and cause autoimmune issues, to cause all kinds of different things in
our body.

Dr. Jay Davidson (45:55):
It’s really cool. If you actually google EMF or even EMR and Kirlian photography, you can actually see
what WiFi looks like from a photograph. It’s actually pretty scary when you actually see it. When you
can’t see EMFs or EMR, you’re like, “Oh, it’s not a big deal. I got my phone in my pocket. Whatever, Dr. J,
I’m moving on.” It’s these stressors that tip the bucket. If you’re somebody who’s struggling right now,

you have to remove those stressors to get well. Remove them, and I promise you, you will heal faster
from that.

Brian Clement_Full Length

Brian Clement (03:03):
We’re facing, as a human race, eminent demise. The reason being is that we’ve dwindled our resources.
We’ve done very, very foolish things. Eaten unsustainably, raped the planet earth, polluted our water,
polluted our air, and we continue now to go even one step further with 5G and wifi. All of these things
combined are making us ill, not only as individuals, but as humanity on a whole.

Brian Clement (03:45):
We could spend the next five, six days, 24 hours, giving you study after study. From brain cancer to liver
cancer to pancreatic cancer to multiple sclerosis to ALS. Easy things like heart disease and diabetic type
two conditions. So let’s talk about why it works and what we do. We give people a living, organic plant
based diet. And that’s important because most people are struggling just eating their cooked peas. But
recognize that in recent decades, the most important study ever discovered in the history of biology was
found in plants, called phytochemicals. And these phytochemicals are medicines that reverse and
prevent every disease known to man. I write books for the academics on it called Food is Medicine. The
world’s leading authority is Dr. David Williams at the Linus Pauling Institute. And as he’s pointed out and
will completely confirm, once you cook a plant above 115 degrees, about 40 degrees, 41 degrees
Celsius, those phytochemicals are gone.

Brian Clement (04:53):
So now, with that said, when you’re dealing with a cancer or a virus or a bacteria, what you’re really
doing is looking at an infection in the body. One is a cellular mutation, that’s the case of cancer. The
other is a microbe. The next two are microbes. The virus screws itself into the human cell, that bacteria
floats and contaminates the bloodstream, the plasma itself. But in every case, there’s one remedy, and
that’s your immune system. Now, you have this extraordinary system. It’s like the armed forces of Israel.
There’s an Air Force, a Navy, an Army, Marines, Green Berets. And each of the cells, leukocytes,
eosinophils, basophils, neutrocytes, grandocytes, lymphocytes, each go after a certain enemy. Isn’t that
remarkable? And when you’re eating these plant based foods that are filled with phytochemicals and
don’t have pesticides and don’t have herbicides and don’t have fungicides, it enhances the immune
system. So it feeds the army. Gives some jet fuel. And in doing that, they attack the mutagen or the

Brian Clement (06:05):
Now, this isn’t something we guess. We see people get rid of pancreatic cancer. We see people
eliminate multiple sclerosis. We see people absolutely reverse diabetic type two conditions so quick,
your head swings. So-called heart disease, which isn’t a disease. About 3% is a disease, 97% is lifestyle
choice. Are you stressed? Do you exercise? And do you eat things that clog your veins? If so, you’re
going to have heart disease. And so all of this is much more simple than the healthcare profession would
like you to believe. Even the natural healthcare profession has everyone on the leash. Come to me, pay
me, I give you something. Rather than change you, live right, think better. You make yourself better.

Brian Clement (06:54):
So that’s our whole thing about educating people. When people come to us, we’re not interested in
creating dependency on us. Our job is done when they’re independent. When, frankly, they don’t need
us anymore. When they recognize, here are the tools that humans have used throughout history until
very recently. It’s only the last four or five generations that we’ve gone completely bonkers. And it’s in
the last four or five generations that we went from 3% of the population having cancer to over 50%; to
diabetic Type 2 conditions a hundred years ago not being in the medical books and now being one of the
fastest growing diseases in history; cardiovascular disease, 9% a hundred years ago, now 48% of us die
from heart disease or stroke. And so new diseases, these are created from lifestyles.

Brian Clement (09:30):
Thousands. So I’ve worked with, for instance, about 160,000 people with cancer. I’ve seen thousands of
those people get better. I’ve worked with a total of about 260,000 people in my nearly 50 years of work,
in Europe as well as here in the United States. People are all the same. That we’re here, we want love,
and we want to be loved. People have a struggle loving themselves, because you were never taught that
that’s part of the picture. You were taught to fight and life is hard, and all of that is nonsense. It’s an
illusion. Life is a gift. And to have the joy of getting up every day and saying, what am I going to learn
today? What am I going to do today? What can I contribute today? This is what we’re here for. If we just
find that in our life, could you imagine if all people were that happy? We’d eliminate war and hatred and
racism and sexism, and all of this nonsensical craziness is going to be flushed away.

Brian Clement (15:23):
So if you talk to me about herbs, I years ago used to train herbalists. I would no longer consider myself a
master herbalist. If you don’t practice it, you’re not a master at it anymore. But what I can tell you is the
most viable herbs I’ve ever seen affect people are living and raw herbs. So for instance, we’re best
known for wheatgrass. We brought wheatgrass back to the world. Two ounces of wheatgrass has the
equivalent of five pounds of organic green leafy vegetables in it. Imagine that. It also has phytochemicals

in it that prevent viruses, bacterias, and cancers. It also is antigenesis, so it cuts blood flow off to tumors.
It also has all the proteins, the amino acids you need in them, et cetera.

Brian Clement (16:07):
Sprouts, we’re best known for sprouts as a food. Every seed, every nut, every grain, every bean, can be
grown into a sprout. Do you realize a sprout has by far the most medicine of any food on the planet
earth? So yes, broccoli’s great as an anticancer agent and an antiulcer agent, but a broccoli sprout is 50
times more powerful. Five zero times more powerful. Just small little things like that. If people can add
small amounts of this into their lifestyle and diet. And yes, wild plants. I mean, everything from wild
mushroom, chaga mushrooms, to wild weeds, arugula. How many of you know that milk is a horrible,
horrible and non-usable form of calcium for a human being, cow’s milk? But guess what? Arugula, which
is free, it’s a weed everywhere I go in the world, has eight times more calcium that’s 100% usable, and
you can pick it during the warm parts of the year wherever you live. Think about that. There are so many
exciting things.

DADS – Dr. Gabriel Cousens_Holistic Protocol

Dr. Gabriel C. (11:48):
But there are certain herbs for the kidneys that really make a difference and I, like what I do with people
is I do a whole person healing, which takes about on the average two and a half hours. And I go over all
the organ systems and I go over the, you know, central meridians and I go, a variety of things that we do.
I go over radiation in the system which is actually a pretty big issue, um, so that then we pinpoint what
needs to be worked on because now we’re going from general to the unique individual.

Dr. Gabriel C. (12:22):
So, uh, and then I’ll give particular herbs, there may be six different herbs I’ll test somebody for for the
kidneys but I may pick one at the end of the day that is the right one for them. Or like the adrenals or
like the thyroid, a lot of people have thyroid problems, uh, particularly since the radiation, uh, uh, from
Fukushima, everybody in the west coast of the United States has been really adversely affected with the
radiation and particularly thyroid.

Dr. Gabriel C. (12:55):
Um, so I, that, I’m a little hesitant to go beyond the general tonic and the general maintenance which is
fast twice a year, um, and that’s important. Now, we have a lot of radiation, uh, intracellular radiation,
so I, uh, certain, uh, remedy that I make available for people called [inaudible 00:13:19] and so that’s a
important thing. So we do different things, if you get what I’m saying, to, um, build up the, the systems.
I’m looking for simple, simple, simple that many, many people can use.

Dr. Gabriel C. (17:32):
But the iodine also we take as drops, you know, uh, the one I use, the illumodine, so that’s a different
thing. So that’s gonna push out lead, mercury, cadmium, and fluoride, you know, fluoride is systemic
poison. People who take fluoride are gonna have higher rates of cancer significantly and it blocks the
pineal gland and it also blocks the thyroid gland. These two compete, but iodine is more powerful.

Dr. Gabriel C. (41:45):
So there are many things, so the lifestyle has to be one that doesn’t inflame the brain, probably the most
important thing I can say about that. We have, uh, diabetes is driven with chronic inflammation and you
have the double the amount of Alzheimer’s disease, okay? So brain inflammation being number one
issue and so we want to avoid all the ways of inflaming the brain, okay? Now one of the problems we
have is things like 5G, okay.

Dr. Gabriel C. (42:20):
Let me explain that the wireless stuff hits mostly … well, I, I’m just coming out with a paper like a day or
two but basically the, they’re projecting satellites, 20000 satellites, I don’t know if you heard about that,
okay, beaming 5G. And that’s gonna disrupt what we call the Schumann resonance which is the
resonance between the, you know, the earth’s surface and the D level of the ionosphere. It’s a way
whereas everybody’s attune to it, 7.83 Hertz.

Debbie Persampire_rev

Debbie Persampire (00:29):
There’s no opting out. In my own home, I have the ability to shut down anything I want to because I
have freedom, it’s my home. But when it comes to these cell towers outside of our homes, we’re losing
that freedom, we’re losing that ability to have control within the walls of our homes. The radiation in my
children’s bedrooms is much higher than I would like it to be. I shouldn’t have any radiation in their
bedrooms, in their beds. But because the bedrooms are closer to the antenna, the radiation is higher
there. The real problem here is there’s no opting out. It’s being forced on us.

Debbie Persampire (01:50):
We need to join together. We need to band together in our cities, in our towns, in our states, in our
nation. The only power we have is the power of the people. We are up against industry who has all kinds
of money and power. They have 536 lobbyists, the telecom industry alone. That’s more than one for
each member of Congress. The only way that we can really go up against this is with the power of the
votes. But in order to have the power of the votes, we have to have the people. Tell everyone that you
can. There’s a documentary called Generation Zapped that I highly recommend to get people to
understand that wireless technology is not safe like we were led to believe that it is by industry. Once
they know wireless technology’s safe, they’re more apt to, they’ll join, they’ll, they’ll … Sorry.

Please find the whole paper attached bellow …

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